"Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
- James Baldwin

Tyree Williams
Founder & CEO
Pillar and Pride
Tyree & Randi Williams are Detroit natives, who, after living in multiple cities across
the country, decided to intentionally re-root their family of four back in the City of
Detroit in 2016. Tyree, a beverage industry executive, and Randi, a yoga
instructor and stay at home mom, have always held to the idea that strong family
and community ties create an even stronger foundation for the next generation.
Providing an example of economic independence for their sons, and for any
person in the community for that matter, has always been of paramount
importance to the couple.
Tyree, ever the optimist and seasoned real estate investor, seized the opportunity
to purchase the commercial property located on West Seven Mile Rd, because
he knew it was a gem. He bought the building in January 2020 and the family
contemplated ideas on how to put the space to use.
Shortly after, the world became greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. At
this time, the Williams family also experienced personal health concerns.
Presented with the state of the world, all signs were guiding the family to put
years-long passion, skills, personal time, and financial resources on the line to
create something meaningful in the space that Tyree had recently purchased.
The Williams’ identified a major gap in their community. What was missing was a
space with a deep cultural connection rooted in love and the desire to GET
PEOPLE WELL by providing access to products, information and a supportive
community that prioritizes health & wellness. Pillar and Pride came into existence.
Pillar and Pride is, on the surface, a wellness-focused retail space, offering
vitamins, supplements, healthy snacks, beverages, books, and candles. Regular
stock includes more than 400 products aimed to support one’s health and
wellness journey. Digging deeper, one will find local and black-owned brands on
the shelves, as a major focus for Pillar and Pride is to promote local burgeoning
small businesses. Pillar and Pride is a communal resource for education and
empowerment as well as a space for private event activation, podcast recording
and co-working. It is not uncommon for customers (aka Pillar and Pride family) to
spend hours inside the store sharing personal experiences and learning from and
supporting one another even when there isn’t a special event taking place
Now in its 3rd year of operation, Pillar and Pride is grateful for the community
support, business partnerships and genuine LOVE. Pillar and Pride, located at 1004
W. Seven Mile Rd in Detroit, is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11 am to
6pm. Visit www.PillarandPride.com to learn about the mission, partnerships,
events, and more!
View their commercial here: https://youtu.be/o4dMMH4nlRo